Wikipedia and Panoramio in Google Earth
December 11th, 2006 by Eduardo Manchón
Official Google Blog announced last Saturday that Google Earth has added a new “Geographic web” layer that includes articles from Wikipedia, comments from GE community and photos from Panoramio. See also Techcrunch.
The layer is visible by default, you don’t need to do anything. Next time you open Google Earth and zoom into a place, you will see little blue icons from Panoramio wherever photos have been located.
Some people have uploaded photos to Panoramio, but they can’t find them in Google Earth. That’s because layers are not updated in real time, it might take a couple of weeks.
You can see photos in Google Earth updated in real time opening Panoramio’s KML file or at this page.
Since the layer was released Panoramio’s traffic boosted. The number of photos uploaded overpassed the psychological border of 100,000 some hours ago.
We want to thank very much everyone at Google Earth Team.
二話不說,也到Panoramio申請了一個帳號 Walker,
Panoramio 也是採 Web2.0 的概念
提供有 2GB 的影像上傳空間,
還有就是透過 Google Maps 標示位置,
當然也提供自行轉換的Google Earth kml檔以及RSS訂閱檔
只要點選附上的這兩個連結 KML RSS ,
就可隨時收到我在 Panoramio 新作發表的訊息啦!
突破框架‧放任想像‧成就無垠境界 『社團法人 臺灣360環景協會』會員招募:
星期四, 12月 14, 2006
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