最近除了持續拍攝與進行後製,再將縮圖上傳至 Gallery之外,其他的桌布下載、網頁作品發表以及網誌的更新都無暇處理,反正也沒有什麼人回應,也就沒有急迫性,暫時就先緩著。
新竹市 城隍廟、東門城
台北市 蔡瑞月紀念館
高屏 茂林國家風景區
高雄市 高雄港高字塔
屏東縣 霧台鄉
台北市忠孝商圈 敦南/仁愛路圓環
台北市 台北101觀景台
台北縣 九份...
16 則留言:
關於360°環景 我是從2003年底才開始深入研究,經過去年一年的拍攝與後製的鑽研,才逐漸有所進步,目前幾乎是沉迷在360°拍攝與製作當中。
至於您所提到的硬體設備部份,我是採用Canon EOS 20D 搭配 Sigma 8mm F4 EX Cirular FishEye AF,早先是使用Manfrotto 303Plus,後來發現在拍攝Sphercial/Ccbic(也就是球體的環景),在架設及拍攝上有相當大的問題,後來找了一家工廠訂製了一組自己設計的鏡頭座(就是以鏡頭為主,可搭配不同機身),經過一年多的使用之後已經快掛了...目前又設計了第二代的鏡頭座,並請新竹的友人再以CAD軟體繪製3D立體模型進行模擬、改良,不過最近都在忙著消化先前所拍的影像資料,故沒空再到新竹近行討論,可能等過一子有空再來進行,或許到時要到工廠訂製的時候可順便再多做幾組提供給對於環景影像有興趣的人購買(倒是訂製鏡頭座的費用實在是不便宜,連找願意加工處理的工廠都很難...)
如果您有興趣更深入的探討、研究360°環景的拍攝製作,歡迎您直接e-mail prozone@ms5.hinet.net與我聯絡。
設備部份我是採用Nikon D100 搭配 Nikon 10.5mm F4 FishEye及Manfrotto 303SPH
軟體是採用Realviz Stitcher 4.0
關於Realviz Stitcher我並沒使用過
歡迎您加入我的"台灣360°環景攝影" 網上論壇 http://groups.google.com/group/TW360
加拿大的Mike(就是http://www.taiwan360.org/virtual_tours/photographer_walker_young 網頁空間的提供者)他就是使用Realviz Stitcher製作QTVR的...
總之"台灣360°環景攝影" 網上論壇 http://groups.google.com/group/TW360 就是希望能夠提供對於台灣景點以及環景攝影交流的空間
藉此大家能夠相互交流討論 匯集有興趣的人們 擴大台灣環景拍攝的族群
請問一下您做的360度環景這麼棒,是否願意考慮接case來做呢? 如果可以的話要如何配合? 包括從攝影到製作成quick time檔案整個流程可以報價嗎? 製作一個全景大概需要多少時間呢?
azuri 您好
如果方便的話 請您以e-mail:prozone@ms5.hinet.net 進一步的詳談
或是撥手機 0930-321 616 聯繫
(手機經常可能會收不到訊號 建議使用e-mail)
如有造成不便之處 請多多見諒!
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I enjoyed reading some of your posts Walker. I was looking for related information and found your blog. I have a site. You can find info on everything about hunting rifles, scopes, bows, feeders, stands, guides for trips and more. Come and check it out if you get time :-)
Hi Walker. I was looking for deer hunting equipment related information and came across your blog. Very good reading! I have a deer hunting equipment site. You can find info on everything about hunting rifles, scopes, bows, feeders, stands, guides for trips and more. Check it out when you can :)
Hi Walker, very unique blog you have! I was looking for texas turkey hunting related information and came across your site. Very good info, I'm definitely going to bookmark you! I have a texas turkey hunting site. You can find info on everything about hunting rifles, scopes, bows, feeders, stands, guides for trips and more. Please visit and enjoy!
I enjoyed reading some of your posts Walker. I was looking for deer hunting supplies related information and found your blog. I have a deer hunting supplies site. You can find info on everything about hunting rifles, scopes, bows, feeders, stands, guides for trips and more. Come and check it out if you get time :-)
Nice blog Walker. Your posts were interesting reading. I was looking for deer hunting equipment related information and found your site. I have a deer hunting equipment site. You can find info on everything about hunting rifles, scopes, bows, feeders, stands, guides for trips and more. Please try and visit it, see what you think and enjoy!
Nice blog Walker. Your posts were interesting reading. I was looking for hunting related information and found your site. I have a hunting site. You can find info on everything about hunting rifles, scopes, bows, feeders, stands, guides for trips and more. Please try and visit it, see what you think and enjoy!
I enjoyed reading some of your posts Walker. I was looking for deer hunting supplies related information and found your blog. I have a deer hunting supplies site. You can find info on everything about hunting rifles, scopes, bows, feeders, stands, guides for trips and more. Come and check it out if you get time :-)